Common misconceptions on foods eaten by breastfeeding Mums in Kenya


Typically, first-time mums in Kenya need help to learn how to breastfeed properly while eating the right foods for maximum production of breast milk. It is common to find friends and relatives advising on the best foods to eat even down to the appropriate quantities. However, some of these local foods can lead to weight gain if not taken in moderation which is a concern for many mums.

Here are some common foods that many Kenyan mums are encouraged to eat when breastfeeding alongside their healthier alternatives.

Fermented Porridge Vs Water

Porridge is the most common drink offered to mums that have given birth to help in the production of breast milk. Most times, they are advised to take it as often as possible during the day which can end up contributing to weight gain. To reduce the chances of gaining weight through excessive drinking of fermented porridge mums can consider taking water instead as an alternative which also helps in breast milk production.

Kenyan black beans (Njahi) Vs Meat

Iron is very important in the diet of a breastfeeding mum and is often included in form of meat products, which is easily available in Kenya. However, for mums that prefer seeking similar nutrients from other sources, a great alternative is black beans (njahi). The beans are fat-free and have fewer calories, thereby reducing the chances of excess weight gain.

Tea Vs Cocoa

When visiting a new mother in Kenya, it is common to find a large flask full of tea by her side which she must drink regularly to help with breast milk. However, this is discouraged because the excess caffeine can result in a fussy baby that has a hard time sleeping. It is advisable to take cocoa instead to help in the production of breast milk.