Hi, 5 months pregnant experiencing a thick discharge that makes me itch

Hi, 5 months pregnant experiencing a thick discharge, not smelly but sometimes makes me itch mostly at night. Is it normal and for how long will I have the discharge? Because is has been 4 weeks since it started. Please help!!

1 Answers

When you are pregnant you may have healthy discharge that is usually thin and milky in colour. It does sound like you have Vaginal Thrush which is caused by a microscopic fungus (yeast) that we all carry on and in our bodies. It’s a normal part of our digestive system, and good bacteria generally keep it in check. It usually lives harmlessly in the vagina, and you won’t know that you’re carrying it. However, sometimes the yeast becomes imbalanced and you may develop an infection. The symptoms include stinging sensation when passing urine, a discharge that is thick, white and creamy and may be odorless or have a yeasty smell. You also would have itching and soreness in or around your vagina. Please do seek treatment immediately from your health provider. Also do try and make a habit of taking yoghurt and Mala (fermented milk) that has probiotics (healthy bacteria) to help keep the fungus in check.