Tips To Manage Emotions After Pregnancy Loss


Losing a pregnancy is one of the saddest times for first-time parents or mums who have been waiting to hold their baby in their arms. For most women in Kenya that have suffered a miscarriage, healing the emotional wounds can take longer than the physical ones. Some of the proven ways of managing emotions for you and your partner after such a devastating loss include:

– Seek the help of a counsellor

The first step that parents who have lost a pregnancy need to take is to seek the services of a trusted counsellor. It is common for the woman to feel like it was her fault resulting in closing off of communication with their partner on the same. However, with the help of a counsellor, you can both learn to open up and comfort each other leading to better management of emotions over time.

– Have a support system

For most mums in Kenya, getting support from friends and family after losing a pregnancy is the best way to manage emotions. In most cases, they will allow you to cry and talk about your lost baby without judgement giving you a chance to heal much faster. On the other hand, men are advised to talk to a close friend or family member to get support because they do not find it easy to express their emotions openly.

It is worth noting that there are several organizations that have been formed to give a voice to those going through situations such as these. Still a Mum ( is one such where grieving couples can find help

– Take time to grieve

Allow yourself to grieve for the loss of your unborn baby, whether alone or with your partner. Some days you will feel ready to move on and others will be full of sadness, so take one day at a time until you get your emotional strength back. There is no set time to stop grieving but it is advisable to look for ways to cope to avoid going into depression.