Popular methods of potty training



For many Kenyan parents, potty training is often approached with uncertainty and anxiety. The main reason is the work and patience needed to getting toddlers to use the potty well. Fortunately, there are a number of training methods that parents can use for their toddlers, with the common ones being easy to manage. Some of the common methods include:
• Child oriented – This method is based on the cues from your toddler that indicate they are ready to be potty trained. The most common cues are an increased interest in the toilet, imitation of toilet use, bringing up conversations about potty and following of instructions among others. If your toddler is showing such sign then you can gently guide them towards the use of a potty without putting any pressure on them.
• 3-day potty training – This method involves putting your toddler in underwear without diapers and instructing them to tell you when they need to use the potty. For this method to work, you need to be at home for three continuous days with no distractions until your toddler is well trained. It is ideal for children that are able to understand rules and can easily communicate.
• Timer method – This method is based on taking your toddler to use a potty at regular timed intervals after feeding them a lot of fluids. The focus is on training them to associate the need to pee with the potty so that they can eventually do it on their own. The training is designed to take between two to three days but can take longer until you ensure your toddler is using their potty as instructed.


Here is all you need to know about Potty Training Girls vs Boys.